Student Services
Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr
- Jenniffer Afia Money and Support AdviserCynghorydd Arian a Chymorth
- Kieran Armstrong Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwy-ydd Parth Cyngor
- Sarah Atkins Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Susan Barker Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Shereena Begum CounsellorCwnselydd
- Safoua Benkorichi Support Worker
- Sharon Bevan Senior Money and Support AdviserUwch Gynghorydd Arian a Chymorth
- Olivia Bishop Mental Health Advisor
- Joanne Blunt Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Abbie Bodman Disability Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth i'r Anabl
- Kathryn Bosquette Wellbeing and Early Intervention OfficerSwyddog Lles ac Ymyrraeth Gynnar
- Helen Bowen Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Tiffany Bressington Nurse AdviserYmgynghorydd Nyrsio
- Chris Browning Senior Mental Health AdviserUwch Gynghorydd Iechyd Meddwl
- Daniel Bullen Support WorkerGweithiwr Cefnogaeth
- Kathryn Champion Specialist Mentor Mental Health and Autism
- Kathryn Counsell Sessional CounsellorCwnselydd Sesiynol
- Beverley Crouch CounsellorCwnselydd
- Sarah Cutter Disability Support Team LeaderArweinydd Tîm Cymorth i'r Anabl
- Claire Davies Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Jessica Davies Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Samantha Davies Money and Support AdviserCynghorydd Arian a Chymorth
- Dora Demok Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Bethany Dowsett Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Rachel Duke Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Alexis Edwards Disability Advice OfficerSwyddog Cyngor ar Anabledd
- Ross Edwards Disability Support OfficerSwyddog Cefnogi Anabledd
- Tara Ellis Advice Zone Team LeaderArweinydd Tîm y Parth Cyngor
- Jonathan Emery Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Jamie Evans Digital Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth Digidol
- Nicola Evans CounsellorCwnselydd
- Bethan Fear Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Emma Ferdinando Senior Counsellor - Operational Lead
- Emma Foley Specialist Mentor in Mental Health and/or AutismMentor Arbenigol mewn Iechyd Meddwl a/neu Awtistiaeth
- Hayat Graoui Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Zaynab Greengrass Specialist Mentor Mental Health and Autism
- Sian Gunning Advice Zone Team LeaderArweinydd Tîm y Parth Cyngor
- Kathryn Haigh Wellbeing and Early Intervention Team Leader
- Joanne Harris Disability AdviserCynghorydd Anabledd
- Sarah Howell Mental Health Advisor
- Paul Hudson Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Sarah Hunter Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Beverley Isaac Disability Support OfficerSwyddog Cefnogi Anabledd
- Ann-Marie James Specialist Mentor - Mental Health and AutismMentor Arbenigol - Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth
- Liam John Senior Specialist MentorUwch Fentor Arbenigol
- Adrianne Jones Money and Support AdviserCynghorydd Cymorth ac Arian
- Brenda Jones Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Charlotte Jones Assessment CoordinatorCydlynydd Asesu
- Louise Jones Wellbeing and Student Experience OfficerSwyddog Lles a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr
- Lynda Jones Senior Progression AdviserUwch Gynghorydd Dilyniant
- Rachel Jones Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Sharon Jones Director Of Student Support ServicesCyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Cymorth Myfyrwyr
- Wendy Jones CounsellorCwnselydd
- Shazia Khalid Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Nicola Kitch Senior Well-being AdviserUwch Gynghorydd Lles
- David Kukiewicz Mental Health Advisor
- Dee Lally Specialist Mentor - Mental HealthMentor Arbenigol - Iechyd Meddwl
- Meirion Lewis Digital Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth Digidol
- Margo Lord Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Hayleyanne Love Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Carol Macintyre-Jones CounsellorCwnselydd
- Jeanette Malay Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Natasha Malkin Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Ellie Matthews Wellbeing AdviserCynghorydd Lles
- Tom May Advice Zone Team LeaderArweinydd Tîm y Parth Cyngor
- Kara Mayne Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Stephanie McNicholas Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Amy Mulcahy Senior Digital Support OfficerUwch Swyddog Cymorth Digidol
- Samantha Murphy Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Roisin Murphy-Mortimer Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Marlowe Nash Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- David Neale Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Chidiebere Obeka Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Onyekachukwu Okafor Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Sarah Page Support and Safeguarding ManagerRheolwr Cefnogi a Diogelu
- Helen Pare Progression AdviserCynghorydd Dilyniant
- Kloe Parker Wellbeing AdviserCynghorydd Lles
- Athina Paschou Support Worker
- Verity Perry Disability Advice OfficerSwyddog Cyngor ar Anabledd
- Mark Pont Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Judith Powell Senior Advice Zone Team LeaderUwch Arweinydd Tîm Parth Cyngor
- Rebecca Powell Specialist Mentor Mental Health and Autism
- Hannah Price Student Support AdministratorGweinyddydd Cymorth Myfyrwyr
- Janice Pugh Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Anne Reed Support Worker
- Bethan Rees Senior Nurse adviserUwch Nyrs Ymgynghorydd
- Bethan Richardson Sessional CounsellorCwnselydd Sesiynol
- Pablo Riesco Disability AdviserCynghorydd Anabledd
- Peter Roberts Disability AdviserCynghorydd Anabledd
- Anna Russell Disability Support OfficerSwyddog Cefnogi Anabledd
- Scott Seldon Head of Support and Safeguarding
- Ruth Sensier Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Juvairiya Shaikh Support Worker
- Eliza-Bethany Simmonds-Trigwell Wellbeing and Early Intervention OfficerSwyddog Lles ac Ymyrraeth Gynnar
- David Sinclair Digital Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth Digidol
- Jenny Smith Advice Zone and Digital Support ManagerRheolwr Ardal Gynghori a Chymorth Digidol
- Natasha Snailham Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Stephen Spackman Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Jason Speake Sessional CounsellorCwnselydd Sesiynol
- Rebecca Staszewska Support WorkerGweithiwr Cymorth
- Kelly Symonds Student Experience Development ManagerRheolwr Datblygu Profiad Myfyrwyr
- Rebecca Thompson Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Toni Thompson Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Jonathan Tigwell Specialist Mentor - (Mental Health and Autism)Mentor Arbenigol - (Iechyd Meddwl ac Awtistiaeth)
- Sarah Velazquez Specialist Mentor in Mental Health and/or AutismMentor Arbenigol mewn Iechyd Meddwl a/neu Awtistiaeth
- Charlotte Wakefield Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwyydd Ardal Gynghori
- Amelia Williams Advice Zone AssistantCynorthwy-ydd Parth Cyngor
- Justine Williams Disability Support Co-ordinatorCydlynydd Cymorth i'r Anabl
- Pam Williams Student Support WorkerGweithiwr Cefnogi Myfyrwyr
- Sally Willicombe Money and Support AdviserCynghorydd Arian a Chymorth
- Rebecca Wilson Senior Disability AdviserUwch Gynghorydd Anabledd