Enterprise and Engagement
Menter ac Ymgysylltu
- Julie Bellamy Director Engagement and EnterpriseCyfarwyddwr Ymgysylltu a Menter
- Joanne Bowring Community Engagement ManagerRheolwr Ymgysylltu Cymunedol
- Helen Colley Senior Training Co-OrdinatorUwch Gydlynydd Hyfforddiant
- Katrina Cookson Head of Events & Alumni EngagementPennaeth Digwyddiadau ac Ymgysylltu Alumni
- Lauranne Cullen Programme Manager: Intensive Learning AcademyRheolwr Rhaglen: Academi Dysgu Dwys
- Abi Davies Alumni Digital Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth Digidol Cyn-fyfyrwyr
- Bronwen Davies Marketing Executive: Intensive Learning AcademySwyddog Gweithredol Marchnata: Academi Dysgu Dwys
- Alison Evans Impact Support OfficerSwyddog Cymorth Effaith
- Stacy Georgiou Events and Engagement CoordinatorCydlynydd Digwyddiadau ac Ymgysylltu
- Carol Hopkins Exchange & RBE OfficerSwyddog Cyfnewidfa ac RBE
- Lee Jenkins Head of Commercial ServicesPennaeth Gwasanaethau Masnachol
- Sarah Jeremiah External Engagement Manager (Development)Rheolwr Ymgysylltu Allanol (Datblygu)
- Karen King Project Co-ordinator: Intensive Learning AcademyCydlynydd Prosiect: Academi Dysgu Dwys
- Lesley Lewis Database OfficerSwyddfa Cronfa Ddata
- Lisa Lewis Events and Engagement Operations Manager
- Justine Morris Contract OfficerSwyddog Contractau
- Sharon Mott Training Services ManagerRheolwr Gwasanaethau Hyfforddi
- Jacob Petterson Business Engagement and Communications OfficerSwyddog Ymgysylltu Busnes a Chyfathrebu
- Caroline Pounder Commercial OfficerSwyddog Masnachol
- Clare Protheroe Work Based Learning Co-OrdinatorCydlynydd Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith
- Helen Richards CRM Database OfficerSwyddog Cronfa Ddata CRM
- Richard Roberts Events and Engagement Operations CoordinatorCydlynydd Gweithrediadau Digwyddiadau ac Ymgysylltu
- Martha Rogers Marketing Manager
- Rhodri Ryland External Engagement ManagerRheolwr Ymgysylltu Allanol
- Chloe Shone Training Co-OrdinatorCydlynydd Hyfforddiant
- Kate Slowinski Senior Business Development ExecutiveUwch Swyddog Gweithredol Datblygu Busnes
- Cara Smith Business Development ExecutiveSwyddog Gweithredol Datblygu Busnes
- Millicent Sutherland-O'Gara Stiwdio Officer
- Karen Troughton Finance OfficerSwyddog Cyllid
- Richard Turner Community Manager - IncubatorRheolwr Cymunedol - Deorfa
- Catherine Watkins Commercial Operations Officer
- Lois Williams Alumni Relations & Development ManagerRheolwr Cysylltiadau a Datblygu Cyn-fyfyrwyr
- Bethan Woods Events and Engagement Coordinator
- Chris Wright Head of Engagement ServicesPennaeth Gwasanaethau Ymgysylltu