Shakiela Davies

  • Lecturer - Psychology
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Darlithydd - Seicoleg
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

Dr. Shakiela K Davies holds the position of academic Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Mental Health at the University of South Wales; is a Neuroscientist and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She was awarded one of the few fully funded PhD Psychology studentships at Swansea University which was based in Cognitive Psychology/Neuroscience of language, and completed this in 2019. Shakiela has experience as an Assistant Clinical Psychologist with expertise in CBT, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Stress Control, Mindfulness and delivering NHS group interventions, as part of her NHS training. Shakiela has research interests which span across Clinical Psychology, Cognitive and Neuroscience of Language (e.g., Age of Acquisition and morphological processing); Research Methods, Mental Health and Online Grooming. She was asked to present her research at the Research, Engagement & Innovation Awards (REIS), Swansea 2016.Shakiela has published and disseminated her research nationally and internationally (Spain, Canada). She has recently co-authored and published a book which provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of current perspectives on mental illness with references to psychological disorders and their current evidence based psycho-therapeutic applications - Tyson, P. J., Davies, S. K., & Torn, A., (2019) Madness: History, Concepts and Controversies. Routledge: Taylor and Francis. She is currently in a supervisory team examining Coulrophobia (clown phobia).

Skills And Qualifications

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Neuroscience
  • Mental Health
  • Psychology Disorders
  • CBT


  • Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Publications And Past Projects