Sarah Theobald

  • Head of Research Environment
  • Research and Innovation Services (RISe)
  • Pennaeth yr Amgylchedd Ymchwil
  • Gwasanaethau Ymchwil ac Arloesi

About Me

I am a member of Research and Innovation Services and the Research Environment Team lead. Our team ensures that the University is supported to grow and have a thriving academic and research base, underpinned by fit-for-purpose frameworks and systems. We provide strategic support and operational management for all aspects of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessments. 

We also manage the University's Research Information System, Pure; support the career development of researchers; and provide institutional support to researchers regarding the ethical and research governance requirements of research projects. 

The team also works closely with the Research Librarian to support open access and research data management agendas.


BSc (Hons) Anatomical Sciences, Cardiff University (1998)

PhD (Cell and Developmental Biology), Cardiff University (2003)

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cardiff University (2003 - 2006)

Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects