Sandra Taylor

  • HPL - Psychology
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • HPL - Seicoleg
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

Dr Taylor has over 25 years experience teaching Forensic, Criminological and Investigative Psychology at both graduate and undergraduate level at the University of South Wales (University of Glamorgan as was -1992-6), 2014-until present, University of West London (1999-2004) and Bath Spa University (2004-12). She also taught Forensic Psychology on the MSc Applied Psychology Degree at the University of South Wales/Glamorgan (1996-7) and the Forensic Psychology components on the MA (Econ) Criminology Degree at Cardiff University (1991-2).

She has written articles on topics within Forensic Psychology for Psychology Review which is aimed at ‘A’ Level and A/S Psychology students. She has also written two chapters aimed at ‘A’ Level and A/S Psychology students. Dr Sandie Taylor has published articles in a number of different journals. She has published two texxtbooks in the area of forensic psychology and criminology and a textbook in collaboration with Professor Lance Workman on The Psychology of Human Social Development. As a second string to her bow, Sandie has also been involved in designing and delivering modules on developmental psychology for over 17 years.

Books Published/Pending

Taylor, S. and Workman, L. (2021). Cognitive Psychology: The Basics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Taylor, S. (2019). Forensic Psychology: The Basics (2nd edn.). Abingdon: Routledge.

Taylor, S. and Workman, L. (2018). The Psychology of Human Social Development. Abingdon: Routledge.

Taylor, S. (2016). Crime and Criminality: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Abingdon: Routledge. 

Taylor, S. (2015). Forensic Psychology: The Basics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Skills And Qualifications

  • Teaching Specialisms include: Forensic Psychology, Criminological and Investigative Psychology; Criminology; Developmental Psychology


  • Academic and fiction writing


  • Research/Scholarly interests include: Offender profiling; Eyewitness testimony; Mock juror deliberation; Face recognition; Development of lateralisation of emotional expression in humans

Publications And Past Projects

  • Consultancy role for the Addictions Unit (South Glamorgan Probation Service) in 1992. Designed an inventory called ‘Attitudes Towards Alcohol Questionnaire’ (AtaQuest). Assessed drink-drivers' readiness to change.
  • Statistical analyses and document preparation for the Welsh Office in 1992 concerning drugs and crime from offenders in prison, on probation or using drug agencies.