Sally Davies
- Graduate School Examinations Officer
- Research and Innovation Services (RISe)
- Swyddog Arholiadau Ysgol Graddedigion
- Gwasanaethau Ymchwil ac Arloesi
- (01443) 4 82692
- 8FG021
About Me
Sally is part of the Graduate School team within the Department of Research and Innovation Services (RISe).
RISe consists of 3 core areas: Research Environment, Research and Innovation Funding and Research and Innovation Programmes which supports the University to create a strong and thriving research culture which enables the production of excellent, world-leading and impactful research. Graduate School prides itself on providing a nurturing environment for postgraduate research students.
Prior to joining USW, Sally worked for University of the West of England, University of Wales, College of Medicine (now Cardiff University) and the Welsh Government.
Skills And Qualifications
- Crazy dog lady, who enjoys creating, crafting and upcycling furniture.
- USW Research Degree Regulations and processes
- Research Degree Examinations
- Nominating and appointing viva panels (examiners and chair)
- Examiner and Chair training for Academic Staff
- PhD Manager
- Conferment of research degrees
- PGR appeals
- PGR academic misconduct advice
- PGR supervision
- USW Research Management Information System PURE - Open Access
- Embargo requests
- PGR student journey
- PGR academic progression
- Quality Assurance PGR