Rebecca Peters

  • Head of Subject Computer Science and Mathematics
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Pennaeth Pwnc Cyfrifiadureg a Mathemateg
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

Extremely interested in Data Science and applied mathematics due to its extensiveness and varied uses across sectors. Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning comprise of techniques that are fundamental to the way in which businesses overcome challenges, such as cost reduction and productivity increase. Furthering understanding in this domain is integral to advancing in other areas of Computing and Mathematics, such as Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Learning and Data Science. Primary research is in collaboration with Tata Steel UK and is focused on exploring the applications of Data Science within the steel manufacturing industry to aid Predictive Maintenance. Experience working with a range industry partners across the south Wales economy through both research and project supervision.

Skills And Qualifications

  • Data Science
  • Predictive Analytics
  • Data Mining



Publications And Past Projects

  • Experience working with a range industry partners across the south Wales economy through both research and project supervision.