Paul Roach

  • Professor of Computing Mathematics
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Athro Cyfrifiadura Mathemateg
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

I completed a PhD in computer science (Fourier Methods for Curve and Surface Smoothing in Computer Aided Design) at Cardiff University in 1990, where I stayed until 1993 as a Research Fellow in the department of Computer Science. I then took a position as a Designer and Systems Administrator at Interface 4 Ltd, Cardiff, working on educational training programmes and consultancy for the International Labour Organization. I took up my current post at the University in 1994, becoming a Professor of Computing Mathematics in 2013.

I have held roles as a researcher, research supervisor, year tutor, and undergraduate degree award leader, and am currently the Head of Postgraduate Research Studies. In my time at the University of South Wales I have successfully supervised 16 research students to the award of PhD and MPhil, and currently supervise another 3 research students. I have brought into the University nearly £700k from grants for research projects totalling nearly £2M, with funders having included EPSRC, European Commission, Fujitsu, Nuffield Foundation, Health Foundation and KESS (Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarships). I currently co-lead the University's Mathematical Sciences submission to REF2021.

You can find my research page here:-[html][/html]

Pure Profile Link

Skills And Qualifications

  • Mathematical modelling
  • Applications of System Dynamics for social modelling;
  • Models of price change in contemporary collectible markets.



Publications And Past Projects

  • Understanding mental health patient clinical pathways (partners: NHS Delivery Unit (Swansea Bay University Health Board) and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board: NHS funders: Health Foundation, KESS)
  • Automation of the generation of product data quality rules in the Retail Fast Moving Consumer Goods and Consumer Electronics sectors (partner: GXS Ltd., Newport; funder: EPSRC)
  • Design of a decision support system that employs trading algorithms to advise on buy/sell prices using market indicators and trading rules (partner: OSTC Ltd., Swansea; funder: EPSRC)
  • Project Dynamo: Extending knowledge in the mathematical modelling of the dynamics of the heating processes within industrial reheating furnaces (partner: Tata Steel; funders: EPSRC & European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel)
  • Registration of serially-acquired magnetic resonance images of finger joints of patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (partner: University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff; funder: EPSRC)
  • Infotoonment: Raising awareness of the challenges of in the Information Society among young people and excluded groups within the EU (partner Fairwater Films Ltd., Cardiff; funder: European Commission: Information Society Project Office)
  • Development of an artificial intelligence approach to the automated generation of cost-effective stowage plans for container-ships (partners: Maritime Computer and Technical Services (MCTS), Cardiff, P&O Containers Ltd., London; funder: EPSRC)