Palash Kamruzzaman

  • Professor of Social Policy
  • Faculty of Business and Creative Industries
  • Athro mewn Polisi Cymdeithasol
  • Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol

About Me

I come from a multi-disciplinary background combining degrees in Anthropology; Sociology and Social Policy. Before joining the University of South Wales, I worked at the University of Bath, University of Leicester, Nottingham University, the University of Liverpool, and Independent University, Bangladesh.

One of my current research projects focuses on expertise in development policies and aid ethnographies. I argue that there is a gap in the existing scholarship as very little is known about the creative roles, agency, and interests of experts from the global South (a group I describe as National Development Experts). I also lead a British Academy funded inter-disciplinary research project that aims to explore the experience of violence and loss of dignity among the forcibly displaced Rohingyas in Bangladesh and Internally Displaced People in Afghanistan. My other research interests are approaches to development, participation in policy-making, international aid and conditionalities, civil society, and extreme poverty.

I welcome PhD enquiries and applications in the above and cognate areas.

Skills And Qualifications



  • Publications: details about my publications can be found in my PURE profile:

Publications And Past Projects

  • Exploring the experience of violence and loss of dignity among Rohingyas in Bangladesh and Internally Displaced People in Afghanistan, 2018, Principal Investigator, Funded by the British Academy (£300K)
  • Centre for Social Science Research at the Independent University Bangladesh, 2012, Lead Applicant, World Bank and University Grants Commission (UGC) Bangladesh, BDT 99,95,000 (£100K)
  • New Actors in International Development: National Development Experts in Bangladesh and Ghana, 2018, Principal Investigator, Dean’s (FBS) Research Fund, University of South Wales, (£6469)
  • Post-Graduate Research conference on ‘Expertise, global governance, and policy-making’, 2018, Convenor, the University of South Wales, (£6199)
  • Merchants of governance: An investigation of the global trade in political capital, 2018, Principal Investigator (with A. Thompson), Departmental Research Activities Scheme (DRAS), University of South Wales (£5349)
  • Poverty Narratives and Lived Experiences of Urban Poor in Post-COVID 19 Bangladesh, 2020, Co-Investigator (with B. Siddiqi), Office of Research, North South University, Bangladesh, BDT 500,000 (approx. £5K)