Mohamed Mohamed

  • Lecturer in Aeronautical & Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Darlithydd mewn Peirianneg Awyrofod a Mecanyddol
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

Dr Mohamed Mohamed was appointed as Lecturer in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Wales in 2016. He got his PhD degree from Sheffield University in 2011 in Computational Aerodynamics and the project title was “Detached Eddy Simulation of Flows over Wing Sections beyond Stall and its Control using Synthetic Jet Actuators”. During his PhD project he used his own code to investigate the performance of hybrid RANS/LES approach in simulating the aerodynamic characteristics of unsteady turbulent separated flows over different aircraft wing sections and its control using synthetic jet actuators. Dr Mohamed continues his research and he spent one year as post-doctoral researcher at University of Manchester, School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering from 2015 to 2016 before moving to University of South Wales. He was working on developing a smart blade of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine, by using active flow control techniques.

His expertise is imagining in modelling and simulation of turbulent flows, with application to Aircraft vehicles, Turbomachines, Wind Turbines, Tidal Stream Turbines and green energy (Biofuels). Dr Mohamed’s current research applies this expertise to predict the performance of tidal stream turbines in array configurations, flapping wing for a dragonfly-like micro air vehicle in gust conditions and improving the performance of re-entry vehicles in hypersonic flows. Moreover, applying active and passive flow control methods to alleviate the massive separation over aircraft wings at different flow regimes ranging from incompressible to supersonic flows.

Dr Mohamed is research active, and he is putting much effort in strengthening the research collaboration with local and international institutions and he was recently granted a fund from the British Council for a submitted proposal titled “Enhancing Universities’ Contribution to Face Climate Change through, Research, Teaching and Community Engagement” in partnership with South Valley University - Egypt.

Skills And Qualifications

  • - Proficient user of Linux operating system platform.
  • - FORTRAN90/2003/C/C++ coding
  • - Sun Grid Engine (SGE), CODINE for High Performance Computing (HPC).
  • - Batch-Queueing Systems.
  • - Massage Passing Interface (MPI) Environment.
  • - Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), ANSYS & OpenFoam.


  • - Swimming.
  • - Reading.
  • - Cycling.


  • - Aerodynamics (Computational & Experimantal).
  • - Turbomachines.
  • Green Energy (Biofuels)
  • Turbulent flow Modelling and Simulations.
  • - Aeroelasticity.

Publications And Past Projects

  • Dynamic Loading on Tidal Stream Turbines in an Array, PhD project
  • Experimental and Numerical Study of Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV) Mimicking Insects, PhD project
  • Improving the performance of Re-entry Vehicle in Hypersonic flow by Morphing Nose Cone in Combination with the Aerospike Design, PhD project