Mitchel Langford

  • Professor
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

Mitch is an active academic researcher, a key member of the GIS Research Unit at the University of South Wales., and a co-Director of the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD).

His first degree was in Geography and Geology, and was followed by a Ph.D. that focused on the application of Digital Image Processing techniques and Artificial Intelligence in the field of Palynology. Since then he has built an internationally recognized research profile by combining his skills, interests and expertise as a computational quantitative geographer and applied computer scientist.

Mitch has broad research interests that span spatial analysis, geo-informatics, and the application of spatial technologies, spatial data and computational solutions to a wide range of social and environmental issues.

His research activities to date have fallen under the following thematic areas:
• Computational and Applied Geography
• Geoinformatics• Spatial Analyses
• Geographical Accessibility and Spatial Inequalities
• Small-area population estimation
• Dasymetric areal interpolation
• Software engineering solutions in applied geography

A research-focused academic, Mitch has published 40+ articles in international peer-reviewed journals, and 35+ peer reviewed conference proceedings (see Pure Profile link below for more details). He has worked on projects with academics drawn from many other universities and with partners in national government agencies and third sector organisations. Examples include Sport Wales, the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales, the Welsh Government’s Knowledge and Analytical Services Division, the Department for Economy, Skills and Natural Resources (Wales), Tenovus Cancer Care, and the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT, Cali, Colombia).

Mitch was awarded a prestigious Senedd Academic Fellowship with Senedd Research in 2020, and in 2019 was a USW “Best Future Impact” Awards Winner.

In addition to his research achievements, Mitch contributes fully to both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at USW. Currently he delivers the following modules:
1st year: C# Programming
2nd year: Spatial Databases
3rd year: Web Mapping and GIS
M.Sc: ICT Systems Development
Ph.D: Both a Director of Studies and Ph.D. Supervisor

Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects