Mike Maguire

  • Professor - Criminology
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Athro - Troseddeg
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me


B.Litt in Social Anthropology (Oxon),  Diploma in Social Anthropology (Oxon), 

British Council Scholarship to University of Munich 

MA Hons Modern Languages, St John’s College, Oxford 


2010-16 Director of Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice http://www.wccsj.ac.uk

2005- Part-time Professor of Criminology, University of Glamorgan/South Wales

1990–2005 Lecturer/(1995-)Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Cardiff University

1975–89 Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford. Member of Wolfson College.

1971–75 Research Officer, University of Salford


British Society of Criminology Outstanding Achievement Award, 2020.

University of South Wales. Best Future Impact Award, 2018.

Selected publications since 2000:

Maguire, M. (2000) “Policing by risks and targets: Some dimensions and implications of intelligence-led crime control” Policing and Society, Vol 9, pp. 1-22.

Kemshall H. and Maguire, M. (2001) “Public Protection, Partnership and Risk Penality: The Multi-Agency Risk Management of Sexual and Violent Offenders” Punishment and Society Vol 5, 2, 237-264. 

Maguire, M. and Raynor, P.  (2006) ‘How the Resettlement of Prisoners Promotes Desistance from Crime: Or Does It?’ Criminology and Criminal Justice, Vol 6 (1), 17-36.

Maguire, M., Morgan, R. and Reiner, R. (eds 2012) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology, Fifth Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Maguire, M. and Raynor, P. (2017) ‘Offender Management in Prisons: The End of “End to End”?’ Criminology and Criminal Justice Vol 17, 2.

Clancy, A. and Maguire, M. (2017) ‘Prisoners and their children: an innovative model of ‘whole family’ support’. European Journal of Probation, Vol 9, 3: 210-30.

Brookman, F., Maguire, E. and Maguire, M. (2019) ‘What factors influence whether homicide cases are solved? Insights from research with detectives in Great Britain and the USA’ Homicide Studies, 23 (2) 145-74.

Maguire, M. (2020) ‘Privatisation, Marketisation and the Penal Voluntary Sector’ in P. Bean (ed) Privatisation in Criminal Justice. London: Routledge.

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Skills And Qualifications


  • Chess. cricket


Publications And Past Projects

  • 2015-17 Voluntary sector adaptation and resilience in a mixed economy of resettlement Leverhulme Trust (with Keele and Aberystwyth).
  • 2012-16 Evaluation of ‘Invisible Walls’ project (HMP Parc/Big Lottery)
  • 2012-14 Measuring Intermediate Outcomes (NOMS) (with RAND Europe)