Mervan Huseyin

  • CARA Fellow
  • CELT
  • Canolfan i Wella Dysgu ac Addysgu (CELT)

About Me

I received my PhD. in Microbiology from Damascus University in 2015 in Syria.  I graduated from Tishreen university- Faculty of sciences- department of Biology in Syria. I have got my Master's degree in Microbiology from Damascus university in Syria.

I have a good experience in teaching and doing the research related to microbiology and Medical microbiology particularly in staphylococcus, bacillus subtilis, antibacterial extracts and antibiotic resistance. I am very interest in medical microbiology, biotechnology, water or food-borne pathogens such as meta-genomics, and any research concerning to medical microbiology and antibacterial subjects or searching for new antibiotics from Bacteria or natural resources. as well as, I am really interest to do search for new antibiotics and apply it against bacteria, water or food-borne pathogens, fungi, viruses and cancer cells. I have 8th researches published in international and local journals. As my area in Biology and Microbiology I have a good experience in Labs. in addition my working after graduation in the laboratories of pharmaceuticals, universities and schools. I have been in The University of Liverpool for two months in 2018 as an academic visit which supported and funded by both Applied Microbiology International (SFAM and Cara organization (the Council for At-Risk Academics) to get training in new methods in Microbiology. I have been in Newcastle University for two months in 2019 as an academic visit which supported and funded by Cara organization (the Council for At-Risk Academics- ) and get training in qPCR and Next Generation Sequencing NGS. I have dual Nationality (Syrian and Turkish) and I can teach in English.

Skills And Qualifications


  • Reading
  • Writing the stories
  • Sports
  • writing the Drama


  • Microbiology

Publications And Past Projects