Marta Minier

  • Associate Professor - Research & Development
  • Faculty of Business and Creative Industries
  • Athro Cyswllt - Ymchwil a Datblygu
  • Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol

About Me

Dr Márta Minier is Associate Professor of Theatre and Media Drama. Her research interests include translation studies, adaptation studies, Shakespeare reception, dramaturgy, as well as Hungarian studies and East-Central European drama, literature and culture more broadly. Recently, Márta has worked on Shakespeare translations and adaptations, on the biopic and biographical drama as adaptation and on cultural tourism connected to Shakespeare. Márta has published over thirty articles/chapters, two co-edited collections and has edited several thematic journal issues. She also works as co-editor of the Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance. Márta welcomes research students working in the above areas. 

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Publications And Past Projects