Mark Llewellyn

  • Head of the Welsh Institute for Heath & Social Care
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Pennaeth Athrofa Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

Mark is Director of the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC) and Professor of Health and Care Policy at the University of South Wales.

Since 2008, he has undertaken more than seventy-five specialist research and evaluation studies and gained considerable experience of managing and delivering complex and sensitive studies specifically in health and social care, and across the public sector in the UK. He has developed an expertise in applied research and evaluation methodologies and his work is focused on providing a robust and independent evidence-base in all of WIHSC’s work. 

Mark graduated from University of Wales Swansea with both BA and PhD, and was a Lecturer there for two years. He worked for four years as Head of Qualitative Research at a social research company, before joining WIHSC in April 2008. Mark’s work has centred on the application and implementation of health and social care policy in practice, and the evidence of its effectiveness. This has involved the evaluation of interventions and innovative working practices in health and care and understanding the impact of the voice and control of service users across health and social care. He is also interested in the role and influence of the third sector in care, well-being and health, and the influence that independent, academic evidence has on policy at a national level. He has authored more than 100 reports which have directly impacted upon policy decisions within the public sector, and has published academic papers in journals relevant to the fields of social care, planning and health.

More on my work can be found here:

Skills And Qualifications

  • Applying evidence to the practice of national policy making across health and social care
  • Rethinking the relationship between the citizen and the state
  • Influencing through the production of accessible, evidential research reports
  • Understanding the role of the third sector in delivering and influencing health and social care
  • Evaluating outcomes for service users, patients and the public



Publications And Past Projects

  • National Evaluation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act
  • Neighbourhood District Nursing Pilots in Wales
  • Variation in Terms and Conditions for Social Care Employment Contracts in Wales
  • SPRING and PROPSECT - evaluations of mental health social prescribing pilots
  • Impact of Eye Clinic Liaison Officers
  • More on my projects can be found here: