Lisa Lewis

  • Associate Dean Research and Innovation
  • Faculty of Business and Creative Industries
  • Deon Cyswllt Ymchwil ac Arloesi
  • Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol

About Me

Lisa Lewis is Professor in Theatre and Performance and Co-director of the Centre for Media and Culture in Small Nations. 

Recently, my research has focused on colonialism and performance,  and performance and postcolonial identities, which I explored in the practice-research project 'Welsh and Khasi Cultural Dialogues' (2015-2019), an interdisciplinary arts and performance project funded by The Leverhulme Trust, in collaboration with researchers and artists from India and Wales. This project resulted in the transcultural performance piece, 'Performing Journeys', which toured India and Wales in 2020. 

My work also explores the inter-relationships of performance, memory and place, especially as they relate to small nations, minority languages and stateless peoples. I write about Welsh performance and culture and recently published the monograph 'Performing Wales: People, Memory and Place '(University of Wales Press, 2018). I am especially interested in language in performance and the way in which theatre/performance can mediate multilingualism. My interest in performance culture has led to many collaborations with museums and heritage institutions such as Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales sites and the Smithsonian Centre for Folklife and Cultural Heritage/The Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

I teach across a range of modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level and supervise numerous postgraduate research students. 

For publications, performances, exhibitions and conference contributions please see:

Mae Lisa Lewis yn Athro Theatr a Pherfformio ac yn Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Cyfryngau a Diwylliant mewn Cenhedloedd Bach. 

Yn ddiweddar, mae fy ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar berfformio a threfedigaethedd, a pherfformio a hunaniaethau ôldrefedigaethol, a archwiliwyd drwy'r prosiect ymchwil 'Deialogau Diwylliannau Cymreig a Chasi' (2015-2019), cywaith rhyngddisgyblaethau yn y celfyddydau rhwng ymchwilwyr ac ymarferwyr o Gymru ac India a ariannwyd gan Ymddiredolaeth Leverhulme. Arweiniodd y prosiect at sefydlu'r gydweithfa Casia-Cymru ac at deithio'r perfformiad dyfeisiedig, 'Perfformio'r Daith' yng Nghymru ac India yn 2020.

Mae fy ymchwil hefyd yn ystyried y berthynas rhwng cysyniadau ynghylch perfformiad, y cof a gofod/lle, ac yn arbennig y modd y bydd y perthnasau rhynddynt yn ymwneud â chenhedloedd bach, ieithoedd lleiafrifol a phobloedd di-wladwriaeth. Rwy'n ysgrifennu am berfformio a diwylliant Cymreig - cyhoeddwyd fy llyfr 'Performing Wales: People, Memory and Place' gan Wasg Prifysgol Cymru yn 2018. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn perfformiad ac amlieithrwydd.Mae fy niddordeb mewn perfformio diwylliant wedi arwain at sawl prosiect cydweithredol gydag amgueddfeydd a sefydliadau treftadaeth, gan gynnwys Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru a'r Smithsonian.

Rwy'n dysgu modiwlau ar bob lefel o'r israddedig i'r ôl-raddedig, gan gynnwys myfyrwyr ymchwil. Cysylltwch os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud gwaith ymchwil.


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