Jurgen Richter

  • Senior Lecturer in IT Internet and Creative Technology
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn TG Rhyngrwyd a Thechnoleg Greadigol
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

I received his Dipl-Ing from the Department of Electronics at the Polytechnic of Hanover (Germany) in 1989 and his PhD in radiowave propagation from the University of Glamorgan in 1998. I am now a senior lecturer at the University of South Wales in Pontypridd I have been involved with studies of many aspects of radiowave propagation initially starting with projects on site shielding and vegetation at microwave and millimetre wave frequencies. In recent years I have been working adapting the Theory of Radiative Energy Transfer (RET) to radiowave propagation through vegetation at frequencies between 1 and 65 GHz as partner in a consortium including QinetiQ and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories. The outcome this work has resulted in an update of ITU-R P.833. Other projects included for instance optimising base station antenna design for mobile networks. For a number of years I have also been involved in work on developing efficient propagation models for BFWA systems and more recently in research on 5G mobile systems.

I am the course leader for the HNC and HND Electrical and Electronic Engineering courses.

Currently I lecture in the following areas:
Telecommunications, Radiowave Propagation, Wireless Networks and Systems, Electronics and Embedded C-Programming

Skills And Qualifications

  • Communication Systems, especially Wireless Comminication Systems.
  • Electronics incuding circuit design and layout
  • Embedded C-Programming
  • Fluent German speaker


  • Anything motorbike
  • Audio electronics


  • What's listed in my interests and hobbies

Publications And Past Projects