Jerome Daly

  • Senior Lecturer in Geotechnics
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Geotechnoleg
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

A Senior Lecturer at USW since January 2018. Prior to that I was Civil Engineering Program Leader at Bridgend College from 2012. I am the HNC Civil Engineering Course Leader and module leader for all Geotechnical Engineering modules covering the BSc, BEng, MEng and MSc Civil Engineering courses at USW. 

I am an Academic Misconduct Officer and a Personal Academic Coach in the Civil Engineering Dept. 

I worked as a consultant Geotechnical Engineer for over 20 years and still have strong links with former colleagues and Clients from the industry. 

Skills And Qualifications

  • My main areas of expertise are Geotechnical Site Investigation, 3-D ground modelling and Slope Stability. I am on the POST COP26 (Conference of the Parties) Expert Database and support Parliamentary scrutiny of COP26 and wider climate issues.
  • Throughout my former career I enjoyed the role of mentoring junior engineers/geologists, helping them to become competent professionals and to progress to more senior positions.



Publications And Past Projects

  • The geo-environmental assessment of a Council Works Depot in South Wales following pollution incidents in an adjacent river. Duties included the design and supervision of SI, monitoring and testing regimes, reporting & liaison with EA.
  • The redevelopment of a former garage site including a geo-environmental and geotechnical assessment, site remediation and validation following the removal of underground fuel storage tanks .
  • The redevelopment of a hospital including a geo-environmental and geotechnical assessment and remediation of a former gasworks within the site. Proving advice on contamination remediation and geotechnical design for new hospital buildings.
  • Senior engineer for the stability/hydrogeological assessment of a land reclamation scheme on former colliery and coking works for redevelopment to mixed end use. Complex hydrogeology of area (including artesian pressure in bedrock) was investigated.
  • A detailed desk study review of a former steelworks site. This included an evaluation of contamination, surface drainage and groundwater issues; geotechnical assessment and likely constraints; the existing infrastructure including buried structures.
  • A feasibility review of potential site for a community hospital. Reviews included a history of site development, contamination, geotechnical hazards - including mine instability and reporting.