Izobel McAuliffe

  • Events and Communications Officer
  • CELT
  • Swyddog Digwyddiadau a Chyfathrebu
  • Canolfan i Wella Dysgu ac Addysgu (CELT)

About Me

I have worked in CELT since September 2004. I was seconded for a year to HR as a Staff Development Trainer. 
I freelance for a number of UK festivals and sequential art shows as events manager / FOH manager / panel programmer.  From 2011-2016 I co-Produced the Cardiff Independent Comic Expo, and from 2017-2019 I was sole producer.  I previously volunteered as Digital Media Volunteer, and Volunteer Manager, for the Muni Arts Centre in Pontypridd from 2016-18.

A long term UNISON member, I became a Branch committee member and Union Learning Rep in October 2019.
Since COVID19 I spend my evenings and weekends either pc gaming / in VR /  locked down in my kitchen trying new recipes.

Skills And Qualifications

  • Event management
  • Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • Data Analysis
  • Digital communication



Publications And Past Projects