Iwan Dowie

  • Deputy Dean - Health and Social Care
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Dirprw Ddeon - Iechyd a Chymdeithasol
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

I have a varied working history, including experiences in sales and retail. Clinically I have a background in general medicine in particular medical assessment. I have also also worked in the private sector (healthcare) and as a community practitioner in a South Wales Valley. In 2002 I commenced, with support of Health Professions Wales, the All Wales Practice Facilitator Conference (now an annual event).I also graduated with an LLB from Cardiff Law School, developing a keen interest in medical law. I have continued to-date to pursue my interest in law and politics, particularly in relation to nursing, medical and allied healthcare practice. I have also graduated with an MSc in Education from the University of Glamorgan, and my dissertation (with distinction) examined, via an evaluation study, healthcare lecturers’ perceptions in using high fidelity simulation.I am also a Panel Registrant Member and Chair with the Nursing Midwifery Council, and I have an interest in professional regulation. I previously sat on the Health Committee of the NMC. I am also an LEA Governor with Bryntirion Comprehensive School in Bridgend and I am a Governor Representative on the School’s Health & Safety Committee, and the School’s Standards Committee. I also work closely with the University’s Student Casework Unit, and I have been involved with a number of working groups. I also liaised with the Law School in acting as a co-supervisor. I represented the School of Care Sciences on the University Safeguarding Committee, and I am also a member of the Fitness to Practise Advisory Group. I have a number of hobbies – history, in particular 20th century world history and Welsh medieval history, general politics, swimming and running. I am a member of a local running group. I was previously an external examiner for the MSc Law and Ethics Course, Swansea University.Recent publications include:Dowie I (2017) Legal, ethical and professional aspects of duty of care for nurses, Nursing Standard; 32 (16-19) 47-52.Griffiths, R & Dowie I (2019) Dimond's Legal Aspects of Nursing 6th Ed, Pearson, LondonDowie I (2020) Understanding the standard of care required by nurses. Nursing Standard; March 2020.Churcher C & Dowie I (2020) Verifying the death of a patient. Nursing Standard (April 2020). I have recently published a series of policy and legal articles for the British Journal of Community Nursing, and I have co-completed a further edition of Dimond’s Legal Aspects of Nursing (2024). I am also a member of the Council of Deans for Wales, and a member of the All Wales Admissions Group.

Skills And Qualifications

  • Professional Regulation
  • Healthcare Law
  • Co-production in Health
  • Ethics and Politics


  • Running, history


  • Professional Regulation
  • Legal duty of care
  • Legal ethics
  • Ethics and Politics
  • Co-production in Health

Publications And Past Projects

  • Legal duty of care
  • Legal Standards of care
  • Co-author - Dimond's Legal Aspects of Nursing