Ian Pepper
- Professor in Policing
- Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
- Athro mewn Plismona
- Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg
About Me
I am a Professor in the International Centre for Policing and Security at USW and a national advisor on higher education within policing. As an experienced researcher, educator and leader within undergraduate, postgraduate and work-based policing higher education, I am an advocate of life-long learning. I also have extensive experience in police education/training regionally, nationally and internationally and operational policing.
My PURE profile can be viewed at: https://pure.southwales.ac.uk/en/persons/ian-pepper
Skills And Qualifications
- Regional, national and international research and higher education.
- Policing and higher education.
- Volunteers in policing.
- Police leadership.
- Evidence-based policing.
- Fingerprints and crime scene investigation.
- Policing research, scholarship and publication.
- Doctoral supervision.
- National and international policing.
Publications And Past Projects
- Volunteers in policing
- Police leadership
- Policing and higher education