Ethem Ilbiz

  • Senior Research Fellow Security
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil Diogelwch
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

I’m a Senior Research Fellow at the International Centre for Policing and Security at the University of South Wales. My research interests cover a wide range of topics including cybercrime, disruptive technologies such as encryption and blockchain, public-private partnerships, Turkish politics, sharing economy, and counter-terrorism. My recent research has been focused on exploring the potential of sharing economy as a new public-private partnership model, and its adaptability to fill resource gaps in public administrations. In particular, I am interested in investigating the use of online platforms as innovative solutions to address these gaps. Through my research, I have gained valuable insights into the benefits and drawbacks of sharing economy platforms intermediated by public administrations. I am considered as an expert in this field and offer consultancy services to those seeking advice in these areas. Additionally, I supervise postgraduate students who share my passion for research in these fields.

Skills And Qualifications

  • Counter-terrorism
  • Cybercrime
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Sharing Economy Model
  • Blockchain
  • European Union
  • Encryption
  • Turkish Politics



Publications And Past Projects

  • EU, Turkey and Counter-terrorism: Fighting the PKK and ISIS
  • Blockchain: A New Disruptive Innovation for Knowledge Risk Management
  • The Uberization of the United Nations’ regime to prevent the online financing of terrorism: tackling the problem of obfuscation in virtual currencies
  • The Appropriation of Blockchain for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • The counterterrorism agreements of Europol with third countries: Data protection and power asymmetry
  • Trendsetters, Trend Followers, and Individual Players: Obtaining Global Counterterror Actor Types from Proscribed Terror Lists
  • Horizon 2020_The Uberization of Europol's Cybercrime Strategy: An Innovative Governance Model on Public-Private Partnership_Grant agreement ID: 886141
  • Crowdsourcing to Tackle Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Europol’s ‘Stop Child Abuse – Trace an Object’ Platform
  • The Sharing Economy for Tackling Cybercrime
  • Europol and Cybercrime: Europol’s Sharing Decryption Platform
  • Sharing Economy for Tackling Crypto-Laundering: The Europol Associated ‘Global Conference on Criminal Finances and Cryptocurrencies’
  • Electoral cost of the European Union promoted norms: Erdogan’s counter-terrorism impasse