Emma Tonkin

  • Associate Professor
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Athro Cyswllt
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

My research centres on the delivery of genomic healthcare to improve patient, family and community outcomes globally. Primarily working with the nursing and midwifery professions, my work has focused on health professional education and engagement and service development initiatives within the UK for mainstreaming genomics across health services. I lead the Genomics Policy Unit (https://genomics.research.southwales.ac.uk/) here at the University of South Wales and manage the award winning education website Telling Stories, Understanding Real Life Genetics (www.tellingstories.nhs.uk). I am a founding member and co-lead for the Global Genomics Nursing Alliance (https://www.g2na.org/) an initiative that has brought together representatives from 19 countries to develop a roadmap and benchmarking tool to drive nursing and genomics forward internationally.

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Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects