Emma Adamson

  • Director of Learning Services
  • Learning Services
  • Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Dysgu
  • Gwasanaethau Dysgu

About Me

Emma has overall responsibility for the effective delivery of the Careers & Employability Service, Library Services and the Student Development & Study Skills team. Emma and her teams look forward to building on the effective partnerships with colleagues across the University, to ensure a high quality and positive student, staff and researcher learning experience.  

Emma is currently the Chair of the Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum (WHELF), the University representative on SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries UK & Ireland), a board member of the SCONUL Content Strategy Group (UK & Ireland), and a member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).

Emma has acted as a mentor within the ‘Women in Universities Mentoring’ scheme, was selected for the Leadership Foundation’s ‘Aurora’ programme as a role model, and has undertaken an Erasmus outward work placement at universities in Ireland.

Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects