Emily Underwood-Lee

  • Professor in Research and Development
  • Faculty of Business and Creative Industries
  • Athro mewn Ymchwil a Datblygu
  • Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol

About Me

I am based with the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at University South Wales. My work focuses on amplifying little heard personal stories from womxn whose voices may have been marginalised or overlooked and from the difference that hearing these stories can make in policy, practice and daily life for both teller and listener. I have a particular interest in stories of the maternal, gender, health/illness and heritage. I am concerned with the construction of gender and how the female body can be presented and represented in performance. My recent performances have focussed on how to present the post-operative and cancer-marked body, the stories and experiences of parenting, storytelling and health/illness, and performance and the maternal.



Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects

  • Performance and the Maternal (with Dr Lena Simic, funded by AHRC)
  • Fireside Science (with Cardiff University Brain Imaging Centre, funded by Wellcome Trust)
  • Kicking Up Our Heels (with GOSH Arts at Great Ormond Street Hospital and Prof Brian Lobel, funded by Arts Council England)
  • Forty Voices, Forty Years (with Welsh Women's Aid, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund)
  • Storytelling for Health (with Swansea Bay University Health Board, various funders)
  • The Heritage of Orchards and Cider Making in Wales (with Welsh Perry and Cider Society, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund)