Elaine Huntley

  • Graduate School Manager
  • Research and Innovation Services (RISe)
  • Rheolwr Ysgol Graddedigion
  • Gwasanaethau Ymchwil ac Arloesi

About Me

I work in Research and Innovation Services where I manage the Graduate School Team. Prior to this I worked in CELT and as a researcher. 

Our team provides support and expert advice to postgraduate researchers and their supervisors (as well as viva chairs and examiners) on all aspects of the student journey. If you have a question about regulations or processes (anything from advertising a studentship to interrupting your studies) please get in touch.

A big part of my remit is quality assurance and annual monitoring of research degrees, and ensuring we provide an environment in which postgraduate researchers can reach their potential. We aim to achieve this through high quality skills training, supervisor training, and initiatives like the Brilliant Club and External Engagement Fund.

If you have any ideas or feedback about anything PGR-related I'd love to hear from you!

Skills And Qualifications

  • PhD (Connective Tissue Biology)
  • BSc (Hons) Biochemistry & Physiology



Publications And Past Projects