Edd Shiells

  • Application Management and Support Engineer
  • IT Services
  • Peiriannydd Rheoli Cymwysiadau a Chymorth
  • Gwasanaethau TG
Edd Shiells

About Me

Skills And Qualifications

  • MCSE Windows NT 4
  • MCSE Windows 2000
  • Microsoft Azure
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Linux/Unix
  • HTML
  • Marketing (Facebook - Advanced)
  • Marketing (Twitter)
  • Marketing (Google)
  • Windows Security & Forensics
  • AJAX
  • Office 365 Admin & Support
  • XAML
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Mental Health First Aid
  • Editing/Publishing (Magazine)
  • Writing (Journalism / Technical)
  • Penetraton Testing
  • Social Engineering
  • Q/A Testing
  • Disaster Recovery (data)
  • CPCAB Counselling Skills L2



Publications And Past Projects

  • Publications
  • What Would Happen If the Sun Ceased to Exist for Just One Second? - Gizmodo - 2014