Donna Szarun

  • Research Impact Manager
  • Research and Innovation Services (RISe)
  • Rheolwr Effaith Ymchwil
  • Gwasanaethau Ymchwil ac Arloesi
Donna Szarun

About Me

As Knowledge Exchange & Impact Officer my role is to support researchers across all faculties and disciplines to optimise the impact of their research on wider society and the economy. This includes providing advice to researchers on developing and accelerating impact, and how to demonstrate and evidence the impact of their research. I supported the University in developing its impact case studies for the Research Excellence Framework in 2021.  I also support the University to communicate the range of economic and social impacts arising from our research, innovation and knowledge exchange activities. I'm based in Research & Innovation Services (RISe). 

Skills And Qualifications

  • knowledge transfer
  • intellectual property
  • research funding bids
  • research commercialisation
  • research impact
  • Project Management
  • public policy engagement
  • Knowledge Exchange



Publications And Past Projects

  • REF2021
  • USW Impact Awards