Dean Whitcombe

  • Immersive Learning Lead/Hydra Manager
  • CELT
  • Arweinydd Dysgu Trochi/Rheolwr Hydra
  • Canolfan i Wella Dysgu ac Addysgu (CELT)
Dean Whitcombe

About Me

Dean Whitcombe is the Hydra Simulation and Immersive Learning Lead for the School of Health, Sport and Professional Practice within the Faculty of Life Sciences and Education. 

Dean has worked in Higher Education as a technical and academic member of staff for almost 20 years and has received teaching and research excellence awards for his work in simulation.

Dean’s core responsibilities include:

• Managing day-to-day operations in the Hydra Simulation Centre

• Developing simulated scenarios for subject areas across USW

• Designing simulations that address specific research questions/ hypotheses

• Providing pedagogic advice, guidance, encouragement and support on the use of technology to staff throughout USW

Please click the link below for my current research activity and publications.

Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects