Darryl Morgan

  • Head of Learning, Teaching and Student Experience
  • Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Science
  • Pennaeth Dysgu, Addysgu a Phrofiad Myfyrwyr
  • Cyfadran Cyfrifiadureg, Peirianneg a Gwyddoniaeth

About Me

I have been teaching at USW since 2015 having graduated from the same institution with a BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management. My experience in the Built Environment is within RC Frame subcontracting, housing and public sector as employer’s agent primarily on behalf of the Welsh Government. 

During my time at USW, I have taught on modules covering topics relating to Measurement, Cost Management, Design Economics, Project Management, Development Appraisal, Research and Professional Development. In addition, I have also led the immersive learning project.

Skills And Qualifications



Publications And Past Projects

  • HNC Surveying Course Leader 2016-2020
  • Quantity Surveying & Commercial Management Course Leader since 2020