Chris Emsley

  • Senior Lecturer - Sports Development and Coaching
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Uwch Ddarlithydd - Datblygu a Hyfforddi Chwaraeon
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

Chris is a Senior Lecturer delivering across levels 4-7 of the sports courses here at USW. His main teaching subjects are within modules surrounding Community Sport, Physical Education and Employability. He is the Course Leader for the Foundation Degree Sports Coaching and Development, the BSc (Hons) Sports Coaching and Development Top-Up year (in partnership with the English Football League Trust and Wigan Warriors), and the BA (Hons) Sports Business and Management. Chris also has extensive experience of supervising undergraduate and postgraduate student research projects.

Having long been involved with the placement programme at USW, first as a student himself, then mentoring students as a member of USW Alumni, Chris is enthusiastic and passionate about the importance of high quality, relevant placements and the potential impact they can have on a students’ development. Professionally, Chris comes from a background working in Sport Development at both Local Authority and National Governing Body level, having worked for WalesGolf and Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council. Having a keen interest in the development of sport, Chris is active in the sport sector through his role as Non-Executive Director (and Vice Chair) with BowlsWales.

Pure Profile Link

Skills And Qualifications



  • Sport Development
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Employability
  • School Sport, Physical Education and Physical Literacy

Publications And Past Projects