Bobby Briers

  • HPL - Football Coaching & Development
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • HPL - Hyfforddi a Datblygu Pêl-droed
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg

About Me

Bobby is Course Leader for the FD Community Football Coaching & Development course at the University of South Wales.

A course that is run in collaboration with the EFL Trust involving students who will study their Foundation Degree & optional BSc (Top Up) at their local EFL club. 

Predominantly his role involves course management of approximately 450 students across the FD course along with the 42 EFLT club mentors that support on the programme.

Bobby is also module leader on 3 modules on the blended learning course:

Football Coaching Theory to Practice (year 1)

Football Event Management (Year 1)

Sport Placement (Year 2)

Having been through the full process of a student at the university he is able to transfer his experiences to pass on to the current year groups. Bobby also holds a number of external qualifications including FAW Level 2 Tutor, as well as UEFA B Licence, allowing him to train as a tutor to deliver both externally with the FAW, as well as internally at USW for both our ‘blended learning’ and ‘on campus’ students.

Previously he held a role as Technical Demonstrator in football coaching which entailed the delivery of the FAW C Certificate to all USW football students, using a blend of both theoretical and practical learning. Also encompassed in this role he provided feedback, mentored students, and assisted students with coursework, as well as practical assessments.

Bobby is a graduate from the MSc Performance Coaching & BSc Sport Studies courses at USW.

He is currently enrolled onto Post Graduate Certificate Learning and Teaching in Higher Education course at USW. 

Skills And Qualifications

  • Coaching
  • Sport Development
  • football Coaching
  • Sports Placements


  • Football
  • Golf
  • Tennis
  • Reading


  • Football
  • Coaching
  • Development

Publications And Past Projects

  • Measuring impact of Community Trusts