Blanka Hubena

  • Senior Lecturer - Therapeutic Studies
  • Faculty of Life Sciences and Education
  • Uwch Ddarlithydd - Astudiaethau Therapiwtig
  • Cyfadran y Gwyddorau Bywyd ac Addysg
Blanka Hubena

About Me

Course Leader, MA Art Psychotherapy; Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Life Sciences and Education; Practising Art Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor. I have worked in the University since 2009 (consultancy, clinical services manager, senior lecturer and Head of Therapeutic Studies). Prior to joining University of South Wales, I worked for a number of children and adult mental health services, in both statutory and voluntary organisations. I also work in private practice (art psychotherapy, clinical supervision and training). In Wales, I am engaged with a range of professional bodies and groups to support and develop the AHPs and arts therapies professions (Wales Arts Therapies Advisory Forum, Wales Allied Health Professions Educators Group (WAHPEG), Allied Health Professions Health Inequality Network and HEIW Stakeholder Reference Group).

Skills And Qualifications

  • Art psychotherapy
  • Clinical supervision
  • Research methods
  • Competency - arts therapies
  • Creativity and leadership
  • Interprofessional learning
  • Pluralistic principles in HE pedagogy and practice
  • Early childhood trauma and reparative psychotherapeutic practice
  • Clinical practice with diverse populations
  • Attachment and trauma informed practice
  • Trauma informed organisations
  • Improving healthcare through trauma informed organisations
  • Applied neuroscience in learning and teaching in HE
  • Pluralistic leadership and management



  • MA Art Psychotherapy (Course Leader), teaching across Therapeutic Studies incl. PG Dip/MA Counselling Children and Young People, MSc Play Therapy

Publications And Past Projects

  • Contribution to the development of a strong professional profile of the Arts therapies in Wales through the Wales Arts Therapies Advisory Forum (WATAF), a representative body for Arts therapists living and/or working in Wales
  • Development of Helen Kegie Centre and USW Therapy
  • School counselling service development & management, Wales (now TalkingZone)
  • Research counselling clinic development and management (now USWTherapy)