Andrew Jones

  • HPSL - Professional Development
  • Faculty of Business and Creative Industries
  • Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol

About Me

 I have recently retired ( Nov 2022) as a professor of sustainable tourism at the Institute for Tourism Travel and Culture at the  University of Malta - but have held positions at The University of Wales, International Faculty in Cardiff, Swansea Business School and the University of Brunei. I have also been appointed visiting professor at the University of Derby, UK  and HAMK Häme University of Applied Sciences Finland.

 I have professional experience in  environmental  and regional planning, sustainable development, business  management and cultural/tourism development at both international, regional and local levels and have been an enthusiastic contributor to  the academic/tourism research community within Malta, the UK and internationally. 

 I qualified in Urban and Regional Planning  and first worked for various local authorities within the UK in Planning, Strategic Management, and Economic Development. I joined higher education in the mid 1980s and specialized in planning urban regeneration and cultural/environmental policy and the environment. I have specialized in both research into sustainable business and tourism, cultural tourism, climate change and additionally the  development of transnational education (TNE). 

I have had the opportunity to work internationally with collaborative partnerhips in Europe, Central, South and South East Asia including TNE, project, development, management and research assignments in Japan, China, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Germany Greece. Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Bulgaria and, of course the UK. 

Skills And Qualifications

  • • Programme Management = Planning,Environment, Business, Tourism & Hospitality • Trans National Education • Teaching and learning - Quality Assurance- Curriculum development • Programme validation and review • Research Journal Referee –. • Extern



  • Economic Development, Planning and Regeneration,Social and Cultural regeneration, Environmental Policy, Sustainable Development, Business Ethics, Governance, Sustainable Development, Global Tourism, Research Techniques for Business and Tourism,Thesis

Publications And Past Projects

  • 3Economy + Enabling teamwork, leadership and intercultural communication in areas of Economics, Tourism, and Marketing Partner & lead research investigator for Malta 3Economy + Developing and implementing innovative teaching and learning practices, w
  • FAMOUS: Film festivals And MOvie tourism at UNESCO Sites Partner & lead research investigator for Malta 2017 - 2020 FAMOUS The FAMOUS project develops a thematic product of Smart Movie Tourism that links European destinations interested from UNESCO cult
  • BLUEPRINT : for sectoral cooperation on skills in tourism: enhancing the image of careers in the tourism sector Partner and Lead research invstigator for Malta 2017-2018 Blueprint Programme: EASME EU Promoting synergy between tourism and careers in tou
  • ArChaic Tourism : Promoting synergy between Archeology and Tourism Lead Partner and Research Coordinator 2017-2018 ArChaic Tourism Programme: Malta Chamber of Science and Commerce Budget: Euro 5000 Partners: University of Basilicata, Italy, Lead Partner:
  • CoLEAD: Cooperations and Leadership in project management - Training Lead Partner /Investigator and Research Coordinator 2016-2018 CoLEAD Programme Erasmus + EU Budget: Euro 150,000 Partners : Malta, UK, Belgium, Bulgaria University of Malta / Cardiff
  • HISA: Heritage Interpretation for Senior Audiences Director in charge of budget 2011- 2014 HISA Programme: LLP – Grundtvig EU Budget: Euro 198,000 Partners: 7, from Malta, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Poland. Lead partner: Interpret Europe (Germa
  • SOTO: Socializing Tourism Partner and research invstigator for Malta 2012-2015 SOTO Programme: LLP – Leonardo EU Budget: Euro 418,291 Partners: 8, from Italy, Malta, Greece, Spain, Romania and Poland Lead partner: CEFAL (Italy)
  • HELAND: Promoting socio-economic sustainable development through innovative technological actions for the cultural and landscape heritage tourism in the Mediterranean Director in charge of budget 2012 - 2015 HELAND Programme: ENPI CBC MED EU Budget: Euro
  • LOT 3 Intergg 2 :Research Training Programme for Central Asia Lead partner for Wales 2009-2010 ERASMUS MUNDUS Lot 3 (€ 400,000) Partners: UK, Greece, Portugal Armenia, Azerbaijan Georgia. Programme Project Manager UK
  • TOUR DC -• Erasmus + Joint masters MA/MSc in Sustainable Tourism Development In collaboration with the University of Glasgow, University of Lund, Wageningen University and IUL Lisbon.
  • SEA-EU University of the SEAS Joint EU collaborative educational partnership - partnership